Thursday, June 21, 2012

Project - Second Installment...

Dropped 8 pounds from the top to bottom photos.  Not sure if you can tell any weight loss since it would be quite subtle at this point.  Next session will be at the end of July which I hope to have an additional 10 pounds gone.  Not too bad so far.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

SWM Photography Shoot...

Had a great shoot in  Richmond with Scott Medina of SWM Photography.  Wasn't sure if traveling over 500 miles for a TFP shoot would be worth it but the results were more than what I expected.  To get a chance to work with a talented and accomplished photographer, I'd do it again.  There are a couple of possibilities coming up this fall in NY and FL that I'm going to try to work out.  Things are looking up.