Thursday, December 29, 2011

Goals for 2012...

List of goals for the upcoming New Year.

1.  Lose 30 lbs.  I lost 30 in 2011 and need to lose 30 more and to tone up.  If I want to be taken serious as a model I think I need to take better care of myself.

2.  Continue to gain experience as an life art model.  I've decided to take all opportunities that are offered, whether paying or non.  My first session is a draped, portrait session on the 9th of Jan.  I prefer paid and undraped but it is more experience.

3.  Get at least 4 photo sessions for the year.  I have one already lined up on 21 Apr.  It is with a professional photographer and will be a time-for-print shoot.  It will cost me a bit of funds since it is in Richmond and I'm in Macon.  But I've never been to Richmond and my wife and I will make a weekend of it.  I'm excited.

4. Finish my Masters.  I have 3 more classes to take, two for Spring Semester and one for Summer Semester.  I'll be educated.

5.  Continue my theater work.  My plan is to audition for the female version of the Odd Couple as one of the Constanzuela brothers.  I'm a favorite for the part so I should get cast.  Next year's schedule will be out later in the spring so I'll map out next season when it's posted.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas...

Just a Christmas wish to anyone  who views my blog.  Hope your day was wonderful...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Beware the Chatty Waxer...

I went for my second wax a few days ago.  The first waxing worked out pretty well so I thought I would try it again.  First off, my waxist likes to chat, about anything and everything.  I was lying on the table, not paying much attention to what was going on, wasn't feeling much discomfort with the ripping out of hairs, happened to look down and it was all gone.  I guess I assumed she had remembered the look from last time.  Boy was I wrong.  I'm as bald as a baby right now.  Not at all what I had wanted.  She was apologetic, I was laughing.  It's only hair and it will grow back, I hope.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Tuesday Morning Sketch Group - Atlanta Artists Center

I completed my scheduled session at the AAC.  I really enjoy posing for this group.  Lynda Ellis is the group organizer and the most talented artist of the group, in my opinion.  She truly makes me feel very comfortable and welcomed at the Center.  The group was larger than other times I have worked there which gets me very motivated to do well for the artists.  It is always a costumed session and I have tried to come up with some interesting outfits.  This time I dressed a bit lame and went as a bicyclist.  It was easy to come up with the outfit and I didn't have time to be more creative.

I won't get scheduled for my next rotation, though, until after the New Year since Lynda hasn't made a 2012 calendar yet.But I was assured that I'll be in the rotation.

One final observation.  It makes me feel accomplished when the artists thank me after the session is complete.  I received many thanks.